In many cases, large assembly performance issues can be fixed this easily! Even if a single part within your assembly has the resolution setting quite high, you can easily run into performance issues. The lower resolution will improve performance while increasing the display resolution, which might be great for final image renders but will slow down your system. From there, change the resolution settings and apply the changes to all referenced parts within your assembly. Within the assembly, navigate to System Options > Document Properties > Image Quality. One of the first things to check is the component image quality. Once you’ve determined that a specific component - or few components - might be causing display issues, you need to improve the performance of those components. In this case, the components with high graphics triangles are shown in red versus blue. The tool explains that the “heavy hex flange screw_am” seems to be display heavy, and it gives a nice sorting of components by color.

5 shows an Assembly Visualization sorted by Total Graphics Triangles, a good indicator of what might be causing display performance issues.